

The account_offers method retrieves a list of offers made by a given account that are outstanding as of a particular ledger version.

Request Format

An example of the request format:

  "id": 9,
  "command": "account_offers",
  "account": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM"
    "method": "account_offers",
    "params": [
            "account": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM"
#Syntax: account_offers account [ledger_index] [strict]
rippled account_offers rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM current strict

Try it!

A request can include the following parameters:

Field Type Description
account String A unique identifier for the account, most commonly the account's Address.
ledger Unsigned Integer, or String (Deprecated, Optional) A unique identifier for the ledger version to use, such as a ledger index, a hash, or a shortcut such as "validated".
ledger_hash String - Hash (Optional) A 20-byte hex string identifying the ledger version to use.
ledger_index Number - Ledger Index (Optional, defaults to current) The ledger index of the ledger to use, or "current", "closed", or "validated" to select a ledger dynamically. (See Specifying Ledgers)
limit Integer (Optional, default varies) Limit the number of transactions to retrieve. The server is not required to honor this value. Must be within the inclusive range 10 to 400. New in: rippled 0.26.4
marker Marker (Optional) Value from a previous paginated response. Resume retrieving data where that response left off. New in: rippled 0.26.4
strict Boolean (Optional) If true, then the account field only accepts a public key or XRP Ledger address. Otherwise, account can be a secret or passphrase (not recommended). The default is false.

The following parameter is deprecated and may be removed without further notice: ledger.

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "id": 9,
  "status": "success",
  "type": "response",
  "result": {
    "account": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM",
    "ledger_current_index": 18539550,
    "offers": [
        "flags": 0,
        "quality": "0.00000000574666765650638",
        "seq": 6577664,
        "taker_gets": "33687728098",
        "taker_pays": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "issuer": "rhub8VRN55s94qWKDv6jmDy1pUykJzF3wq",
          "value": "193.5921774819578"
        "flags": 0,
        "quality": "7989247009094510e-27",
        "seq": 6572128,
        "taker_gets": "2361918758",
        "taker_pays": {
          "currency": "XAU",
          "issuer": "rrh7rf1gV2pXAoqA8oYbpHd8TKv5ZQeo67",
          "value": "0.01886995237307572"
      ... trimmed for length ...
    "validated": false
200 OK

    "result": {
        "account": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM",
        "ledger_current_index": 18539596,
        "offers": [{
            "flags": 0,
            "quality": "0.000000007599140009999998",
            "seq": 6578020,
            "taker_gets": "29740867287",
            "taker_pays": {
                "currency": "USD",
                "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
                "value": "226.0050145327418"
        }, {
            "flags": 0,
            "quality": "7989247009094510e-27",
            "seq": 6572128,
            "taker_gets": "2361918758",
            "taker_pays": {
                "currency": "XAU",
                "issuer": "rrh7rf1gV2pXAoqA8oYbpHd8TKv5ZQeo67",
                "value": "0.01886995237307572"
        }, {
            "flags": 0,
            "quality": "0.00000004059594001318974",
            "seq": 6576905,
            "taker_gets": "3892952574",
            "taker_pays": {
                "currency": "CNY",
                "issuer": "rKiCet8SdvWxPXnAgYarFUXMh1zCPz432Y",
                "value": "158.0380691682966"


        "status": "success",
        "validated": false
   "result" : {
      "account" : "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM",
      "ledger_current_index" : 57110969,
      "offers" : [
            "flags" : 0,
            "quality" : "1499850014.892974",
            "seq" : 7916201,
            "taker_gets" : {
               "currency" : "BCH",
               "issuer" : "rcyS4CeCZVYvTiKcxj6Sx32ibKwcDHLds",
               "value" : "0.5268598580881351"
            "taker_pays" : "790210766"
      "status" : "success",
      "validated" : false

The response follows the standard format, with a successful result containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
account String Unique Address identifying the account that made the offers
offers Array Array of objects, where each object represents an offer made by this account that is outstanding as of the requested ledger version. If the number of offers is large, only returns up to limit at a time.
ledger_current_index Number - Ledger Index (Omitted if ledger_hash or ledger_index provided) The ledger index of the current in-progress ledger version, which was used when retrieving this data. New in: rippled 0.26.4-sp1
ledger_index Number - Ledger Index (Omitted if ledger_current_index provided instead) The ledger index of the ledger version that was used when retrieving this data, as requested. New in: rippled 0.26.4-sp1
ledger_hash String - Hash (May be omitted) The identifying hash of the ledger version that was used when retrieving this data. New in: rippled 0.26.4-sp1
marker Marker (May be omitted) Server-defined value indicating the response is paginated. Pass this to the next call to resume where this call left off. Omitted when there are no pages of information after this one. New in: rippled 0.26.4

Each offer object contains the following fields:

Field Type Description
flags Unsigned integer Options set for this offer entry as bit-flags.
seq Unsigned integer Sequence number of the transaction that created this entry. (Transaction sequence numbers are relative to accounts.)
taker_gets String or Object The amount the account accepting the offer receives, as a String representing an amount in XRP, or a currency specification object. (See Specifying Currency Amounts)
taker_pays String or Object The amount the account accepting the offer provides, as a String representing an amount in XRP, or a currency specification object. (See Specifying Currency Amounts)
quality String The exchange rate of the offer, as the ratio of the original taker_pays divided by the original taker_gets. When executing offers, the offer with the most favorable (lowest) quality is consumed first; offers with the same quality are executed from oldest to newest. New in: rippled 0.29.0
expiration Unsigned integer (May be omitted) A time after which this offer is considered unfunded, as the number of seconds since the Ripple Epoch. See also: Offer Expiration. New in: rippled 0.30.1

Possible Errors

  • Any of the universal error types.
  • invalidParams - One or more fields are specified incorrectly, or one or more required fields are missing.
  • actNotFound - The Address specified in the account field of the request does not correspond to an account in the ledger.
  • lgrNotFound - The ledger specified by the ledger_hash or ledger_index does not exist, or it does exist but the server does not have it.
  • actMalformed - The marker field provided is incorrect.