Complete references for different interfaces to the XRP Ledger.
Or, skip ahead to the Full Reference Index.
Communicate directly with rippled, the core peer-to-peer server that manages the XRP Ledger. is a community-driven resource for all things XRP and the XRP Ledger—your source for technical information, reference materials and tools.
Provide machine-readable information about yourself to other XRP Ledger users.
Full Reference Index
- rippled API Reference
- API Conventions
- Basic Data Types
- base58 Encodings
- Currency Formats
- Error Formatting
- Markers and Pagination
- Modifying the Ledger
- Rate Limiting
- Request Formatting
- Response Formatting
- rippled Server States
- Serialization Format
- Public rippled Methods
- Account Methods
- account_channels
- account_currencies
- account_info
- account_lines
- account_objects
- account_offers
- account_tx
- gateway_balances
- noripple_check
- Ledger Methods
- ledger
- ledger_closed
- ledger_current
- ledger_data
- ledger_entry
- Transaction Methods
- sign
- sign_for
- submit
- submit_multisigned
- transaction_entry
- tx
- tx_history
- Path and Order Book Methods
- book_offers
- deposit_authorized
- path_find
- ripple_path_find
- Payment Channel Methods
- channel_authorize
- channel_verify
- Subscription Methods
- subscribe
- unsubscribe
- Server Info Methods
- fee
- manifest
- server_info
- server_state
- Utility Methods
- json
- ping
- random
- Admin rippled Methods
- Key Generation Methods
- validation_create
- wallet_propose
- Logging and Data Management Methods
- can_delete
- crawl_shards
- download_shard
- ledger_cleaner
- ledger_request
- log_level
- logrotate
- Server Control Methods
- ledger_accept
- stop
- validation_seed
- Peer Management Methods
- connect
- peer_reservations_add
- peer_reservations_del
- peer_reservations_list
- peers
- Status and Debugging Methods
- consensus_info
- feature
- fetch_info
- get_counts
- validator_info
- validator_list_sites
- validators
- Ledger Data Formats
- Ledger Header
- Ledger Object IDs
- Ledger Object Types
- AccountRoot
- Amendments
- Check
- DepositPreauth
- DirectoryNode
- Escrow
- FeeSettings
- LedgerHashes
- NegativeUNL
- Offer
- PayChannel
- RippleState
- SignerList
- Ticket
- Transaction Formats
- Transaction Common Fields
- Transaction Types
- AccountSet
- AccountDelete
- CheckCancel
- CheckCash
- CheckCreate
- DepositPreauth
- EscrowCancel
- EscrowCreate
- EscrowFinish
- OfferCancel
- OfferCreate
- Payment
- PaymentChannelClaim
- PaymentChannelCreate
- PaymentChannelFund
- SetRegularKey
- SignerListSet
- TicketCreate
- TrustSet
- Pseudo-Transactions
- EnableAmendment
- SetFee
- UNLModify
- Transaction Results
- tec Codes
- tef Codes
- tel Codes
- tem Codes
- ter Codes
- tes Success
- Transaction Metadata
- rippled Commandline Usage Reference
- Peer Port Methods
- Health Check
- Peer Crawler
- Validator List Method
- All XRP-API Methods
- Query Methods
- Get Account Info
- Get Account Settings
- Get Account Transactions
- Get Transaction
- Transact Methods
- Prepare a Payment
- Sign and/or submit a payment
- Create, sign, and submit a payment
- Meta Methods
- Get Server Info
- Get API Docs
- Ping
- XRP-API Data Types
- RippleAPIError
- ErrorItem
- ServerInfo
- RippledServerInfo
- Load
- LastClose
- ServerState
- ValidatedLedger
- Address
- TransactionID
- PreparedPaymentTransaction
- AppliedTransaction
- AccountInfo
- AccountSettings
- AccountTransactions
- AccountData
- LedgerIndex
- Payment object and instructions
- Payment Object
- Amount
- Currency
- Transaction Instructions
- TransactionStatus
- Transaction Common Fields
- PaymentTransaction
- Signed Transaction
- ApiDoc
- RippleAPI Reference
- Ripple Data API v2
- xrp-ledger.toml File