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Get Account Settings

Get an account's settings. These are the settings that can be modified by the user. By default, this method returns data from the 'current' (in-progress) ledger, which may change before validation.

Warning: XRP-API is early alpha software. API methods and data formats are likely to change often in ways that break backwards compatibility.

Request Format

GET /accounts/{address}/settings

This API method uses the following path parameters:

Field Value Required? Description
address String (Address) Required The account to query.

This API method uses the following query parameters:

Field Value Required? Description
ledger_index (Varies) (LedgerIndex) Optional (Optional) The sequence number of the ledger to use, or a shortcut string to choose a ledger automatically. (See Specifying Ledgers )

Response Formats

200 OK

A successful response contains the settings data for the requested account.

Media type: application/json

Formatted as a AccountSettings

The response uses the following fields:

Field Type Required? Description
disallowIncomingXRP Boolean May be omitted (Optional) Client applications should not send XRP to this account. Not enforced by rippled.
domain String May be omitted (Optional) The domain that owns this account, as a hexadecimal string representing the ASCII for the domain in lowercase.
emailHash String May be omitted (Optional) Hash of an email address to be used for generating an avatar image. Conventionally, clients use Gravatar to display this image. Use null to clear.
requireDestinationTag Boolean May be omitted (Optional) Account requires incoming payments to specify a destination tag.
passwordSpent Boolean May be omitted (Optional) Account has used its free SetRegularKey transaction.
disableMasterKey Boolean May be omitted If the master key is disabled, true; false otherwise.
regularKey String (Address) May be omitted The address of an XRP Ledger account.
signers Object May be omitted (Optional) Settings that determine what sets of accounts can be used to sign a transaction on behalf of this account using multisigning.
tickSize Number May be omitted (Optional) Tick size to use for offers involving a currency issued by this address. The exchange rates of those offers is rounded to this many significant digits. Valid values are 3 to 15 inclusive, or 0 to disable.
transferRate Number May be omitted (Optional) The fee to charge when users transfer this account’s issuances, as the decimal amount that must be sent to deliver 1 unit. Has precision up to 9 digits beyond the decimal point. Use null to set no fee.
walletLocator String May be omitted (Optional) Transaction hash or any other 64 character hexadecimal string, that may or may not represent the result of a hash operation. Use null to clear.

400 Bad Request

The request was not properly formatted.

Media type: application/json

Formatted as a RippleAPIError

The response uses the following fields:

Field Type Required? Description
message String May be omitted A human-readable error message summarizing the problem(s) that occurred.
errors Array of ErrorItem May be omitted A list of errors that occurred when processing this request.

404 Not Found

Not found

Media type: application/json

Formatted as a RippleAPIError

The response uses the following fields:

Field Type Required? Description
message String May be omitted A human-readable error message summarizing the problem(s) that occurred.
errors Array of ErrorItem May be omitted A list of errors that occurred when processing this request.