Require Destination Tags

The Require Destination Tag setting is designed for addresses that host balances for multiple people or purposes, to prevent people from sending money and forgetting to use a destination tag to identify whom to credit. When this setting is enabled on your address, the XRP Ledger rejects any payment to your address if it does not specify a destination tag.

This tutorial demonstrates how to enable the Require Destination Tag flag on your account.

Note: The meanings of specific destination tags are entirely up to the logic built on top of the XRP Ledger. The ledger has no way of knowing whether any specific tag is valid in your system, so you must still be ready to receive transactions with the wrong destination tag. Typically, this involves providing a customer support experience that can track down payments made incorrectly and credit customers accordingly, and possibly also bouncing unwanted payments.


  • You need a funded XRP Ledger account, with an address, secret key, and some XRP. For production, you can use the same address and secret consistently. For this tutorial, you can generate new test credentials as needed.
  • You need a connection to the XRP Ledger network.

This page provides examples that use ripple-lib for JavaScript. Since JavaScript works in the web browser, you can read along and use the interactive steps without any setup.


1. Get Credentials

To transact on the XRP Ledger, you need an address and secret key, and some XRP. For development purposes, you can get these using the following interface:

Generating Keys...

Caution: Ripple provides the Testnet and Devnet for testing purposes only, and sometimes resets the state of these test networks along with all balances. As a precaution, Ripple recommends not using the same addresses on Testnet/Devnet and Mainnet.

When you're building actual production-ready software, you'll instead use an existing account, and manage your keys using a secure signing configuration.

2. Connect to the Network

You must be connected to the network to submit transactions to it.

The following code uses a ripple-lib for JavaScript instance to connect to a public XRP Testnet server:

ripple = require('ripple-lib') // Node.js only. Use a <script> tag in browsers.

async function main() {
  api = new ripple.RippleAPI({server: 'wss://'})
  await api.connect()

  // Code in the following examples continues here...


Note: The code samples in this tutorial use JavaScript's async/await pattern . Since await needs to be used from within an async function, the remaining code samples are written to continue inside the main() function started here. You can also use Promise methods .then() and .catch() instead of async/await if you prefer.

For this tutorial, you can connect directly from your browser by pressing the following button:

Connection status: Not connected

3. Send AccountSet Transaction

To enable the RequireDest flag, set the asfRequireDest value (1) in the SetFlag field of an AccountSet transaction. To send the transaction, you first prepare it to fill out all the necessary fields, then sign it with your account's secret key, and finally submit it to the network.

For example:

const prepared = await api.prepareTransaction({
  "TransactionType": "AccountSet",
  "Account": "rPT1Sjq2YGrBMTttX4GZHjKu9dyfzbpAYe",
  "SetFlag": 1 // RequireDest
console.log("Prepared transaction:", prepared.txJSON)
const max_ledger = prepared.instructions.maxLedgerVersion

const signed = api.sign(prepared.txJSON, "s████████████████████████████")
console.log("Transaction hash:",
const tx_id =
const tx_blob = signed.signedTransaction

const prelim_result = await api.request("submit", {"tx_blob": tx_blob})
console.log("Preliminary result:", prelim_result)
const min_ledger = prelim_result.validated_ledger_index

// min_ledger, max_ledger, and tx_id are useful for looking up the transaction's
// status later.

4. Wait for Validation

Most transactions are accepted into the next ledger version after they're submitted, which means it may take 4-7 seconds for a transaction's outcome to be final. If the XRP Ledger is busy or poor network connectivity delays a transaction from being relayed throughout the network, a transaction may take longer to be confirmed. (For information on how to set an expiration for transactions, see Reliable Transaction Submission.)

Transaction ID: (None)
Latest Validated Ledger Index: (Not connected)
Ledger Index at Time of Submission: (Not submitted)
Transaction LastLedgerSequence: (Not prepared)

5. Confirm Account Settings

After the transaction is validated, you can check your account's settings to confirm that the Require Destination Tag flag is enabled.

let account_info = await api.request("account_info", {
    "account": "rPT1Sjq2YGrBMTttX4GZHjKu9dyfzbpAYe",
    "ledger_index": "validated"
const flags = api.parseAccountFlags(account_info.account_data.Flags)
console.log(JSON.stringify(flags, null, 2))
// Look for "requireDestinationTag": true

For further confirmation, you can send test transactions (from a different address) to confirm that the setting is working as you expect it to. If you a payment with a destination tag, it should succeed, and if you send one without a destination tag, it should fail with the error code tecDST_TAG_NEEDED.


See Also